6 Signs that indicate a rewiring of your household is needed

Rewiring your household may come across as an extreme step to take, because, it is and it needs to be done only when it is absolutely necessary. Knowing when precisely to rewire the household is tricky, there are a lot of factors involved and maintenance of each appliance or accessories are only getting more sophisticated. However, in those extreme cases where all of these following factors are present, then a rewiring of the household is needed. Here are the signs that indicate that your house might need rewiring.

1. Light bulbs flickering and burning out.

If you notice that the lights in your household are flickering or burning out constantly, it may suggest that there are some issues with the wiring. The voltage fluctuations may be erratic, causing such a flickering. Furthermore, if the voltage fluctuations increase to the point where they become anomalous and cause fuses to break constantly, there is a clear issue in the wiring of your household.

2. Burning Smell

This is quite an extreme scenario. If you are not able to locate the source of the smell of burning to any electrical device, there has been a short which may escalate into a fire if nothing is done about. In such cases, immediately call an electrician and consult them for whether an entire rewiring is required or not.

3. Not enough sockets

This is more of a practical issue than a technical one. If your household is relying on more of extension cords and the sockets installed are not enough to support various devices, it is best that you rewire the household, upgrade and add new sockets.

4. Buzzing Noises

If you hear any buzzing noise from either switch, circuit breakers or fuses, it indicates that there is an overload of electric current. If the buzzing noise is isolated to electronic appliances, then it may just be an issue with the appliance in questions. Manufacturers of electrical devices as such, provide maintenance which can be called upon for the same.

5. Electric Shocks

If you?re experiencing electric shocks when using switches and sockets, it is a sign that your house needs to be rewired. These shocks could escalate and cause severe damage to whoever gets it. In this case, contact an electrician immediately and get your house rewired. This could also be a cause of improper earthing which needs to be handled on urgent basis as well.

6. Wiring that has been outdated.

Several households do employ Aluminium wiring. However, wires made of aluminium are highly susceptible to damage and need to be replaced immediately. Several top electrical companies provide excellent alternatives for outdated wiring. These need to be installed to ensure that the wires do not wear out and the situation does not escalate to a short circuit.

Rewiring is an big measure and thus, only do it when more than a few of these signs show up. Rewiring is also expensive, but it is sure worth your safety, especially in extreme cases in which it is applicable. Call an electrician immediately if these signs arrive together and get your house rewired.

Guide To Select The Perfect Indoor Lighting

When you plan the decors of your interiors, do you pay enough attention to the lights to be used? Probably not! In this article, we will be discussing how right combination of lighting can change the look of a room, can add character to a space and define the mood. Use of proper lightings can magnify the aesthetics of the interiors.

Following extensive research on the various options available for lights, we have worked around a checklist that one must follow before picking lights for your indoor space.

When you start scanning through lights, you must keep in mind the following things

Budget Uncomplicated use of lights – One must draw a budget on the amount one is planning to spend on lighting. Also, crucial to note that the lights installed should be cost-effective. It is important to keep in mind, that like many decorative items, lights can be complicated design-wise or look-wise. As lights are used frequently, one should pick lights and fixtures that are easy to use and their replacements are easily available in the market.

Utility driven – Ask yourself what is the purpose of light installation in a specific space is it for decorative purpose or frequent use. Usually, people prefer to landscape their living room with a chandelier or something which defines them. The purpose of lights in kitchen and bathrooms are more utility driven just to illuminate the space. So go for practical lighting

Know your taste lifestyle – Before shopping for lights, one must ask what their preferences are, what kind of furniture they have, and what are the wall colours. Age of residents, lifestyle, certainly has to play a role in the kind of lights you pick up. If your furniture in the living room has a traditional look, you might compliment it with an antique looking chandelier. If you prefer contemporary look, go for sleek LED decorative lights. If you entertain a lot at your home, the common spaces should be well lit.

The individual Spaces:

The Entrance – The entrance should always be well-lit. The lights used should be inviting to those who live there as well as to guests. Use of accent lights or a hanging fixture is more apt for this space.

Complicated Living room – his could be the room where you spend maximum time for entertaining guests, watching TV or just lazing around. This room should have permanent wall mount fixture which are for regular use. They can vary depending on what you prefer a bright room or a warm, dimly lit room. Have an option of a chandelier or a decorative centre top, which can be used when you have guests.

Well-lit Dining room – Dining room are conventionally well-lit spaces where you gather to share a meal with your loved ones. You may decorate the space with a large pendant or a simple chandelier. Have wall-mounted fixtures as well. The idea is to keep the look of this room basic and simple.

Cosy Bedroom – It all depends on what one prefers, for a cosy bedroom go for warm lights. Options that can used are a combination of overhead lights and table lamps, especially for those who prefer to read when they hit the bed.

Define the kitchen – As a thumb rule kitchen should be well-lit and well ventilated. Use pendants or wall mounted fixtures in this room. You can add extra brightness to your kitchen by using under cabinet lighting. Make use of LED strips in a creative way to make the room brighter. A little bit of planning is must go for this room, depending on where the stove is located and where you use the grinders and other electrical gadgets. Prefer white lights for this room.

Dazzle the Bathroom – Well not necessarily. If you have a mirror above the sink, use could sconces. Feel free to use accent lights on the walls to illuminate the room.

Before you start shopping know that there are three types of lights ambient, accent and task. Size of room also matters before you pick any light. Have the option of dimmers to illuminate rooms as per your mood.